Thursday, August 9, 2018

Oscar's portrait!

We commissioned Darlene Pucillo (a.k.a. puci) to paint a portrait of our youngest kitty, Oscar. She had painted the portraits of Max, Kitter, and Ebony that decorate the wall of our stairwell. Now we have four portraits of our kitties to greet us as we go up and down the stairs. Below is the progression of the portrait from original photo, through the various mock ups, to the finished piece, details of the finished piece, and its new home in the stairwell.

the original photo

mock up #1, with fish toy

mock up #2

mock up #3

mock up #4

mock up #5

the finished portrait!

detail of eyes

detail of nose

all four kitty portraits

Want your own pet portrait? Visit puci's website:

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