Sunday, August 11, 2013

collage workshop a success!

We had a wonderful time Friday night and all day Saturday creating beautiful and interesting collages at my collage workshop in Monte Vista. Since there were only three participants -- Frankie, Linda, and Sharon -- I decided to partake of the opportunity to create some collages of my own. Below are some images of us working as well as some of our collages.

Frankie, Linda, and Sharon, intent on their creations.

Frankie's collages made from the five-paper exercise we did Friday night.

My five-paper collages.

Linda's five-paper collages.

More of Linda's collages.

Trading cards. Clockwise from left: Nancy, Frankie, Linda, Sharon.

Frankie's 8" x 8" collage on canvas.

Sharon's collaged spice box with swinging bird.

Some of my trading cards.

More trading cards. Top: Frankie. Left: Sharon. Right: Linda.

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