Saturday, February 8, 2014

highlights from California

It was lovely being warm for a couple of weeks, in California, where we traveled to attend Debbie & Kevin's wedding. But it was even more wonderful getting to see dear family and friends again. Here are some of the highlights:

The Wharf in Monterey, where Dad and I had lunch.

The Wharf again.

Dad and I visited the ever-impressive Monterey Bay Aquarium. Here's a school of sardines.

Jellies at the aquarium.

Nancy's beloved penguins!

Dad/Jack at the kelp forest tank.


The view of Monterey Bay from the aquarium deck.

A sea lion?

Asilomar Beach, Pacific Grove.

Asilomar again.

Pops with his homemade walking stick.

Brother Chris at RG Burgers in Carmel Rancho.

Chris and Pops at Point Lobos.

Chris and Nancy.

Here I am with Elizabeth and Sara, at an Indian Cafe in Santa Monica, where we met before attending the evening programs at the Siddha Yoga Meditation Center in Los Angleles. (Chanting Kali Durge was marvelous!)

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