Monday, February 18, 2013

The Art Thing Show

I'm part of an artist's group called The Art Thing, a collection of artists from the San Luis Valley who gather regularly to eat and talk about art. We currently have a group show on view at the Rio Grande Museum in Del Norte, CO. Here are some photos from yesterday's opening reception.

me, with my collages in the background

my large and small collages on display

Mom and me
Albert with his photo cutting boards

Jeannie's digital collages and Suz's woodworking

Jeannie with her photo collages behind and John with his metal sculpture below

Laura's fabric sculptures and my collages in the background

Laura's fabric cats and the guitar decorated by many of The Art Thing members

Laura next to her fabric art

Alex, John, and Albert enjoying the offerings
John's metal chilis

John's metal guitar

John's metal locomotive

Vincent with his photography

Janine's painting
Denny, being Denny

Jane, Laura, and Alex

some of the doodles created as a group project, with each artist contibuting to each drawing

more group doodles
Jane's paintings and sculpture

Jeannie's digital tribute to Roger, whom we lost last month

Roger's woodwork

more of Roger's beautiful wood boxes

John's sculptural tribute to Roger

Marian with one of Roger's boxes and one of her photographs

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Wow: What a MAGNIFICENT post!